My Hero Journey as Yogini

As all amazing things in life, there is an event or something triggering that will arise your consciousness to remember or regain information that was already in your energetical body and only needed to be re-discovered at a certain point in time. And for me it was about 30 years ago (omg 🙂 a book that I read in my early student years and that was The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying where sentence by sentence I woke up to the information written there as if it was my known forever. By that time I knew nothing about the amazing journey that Yoga is but I always felt drawn also as a child that there is more beyond what our eyes can see or ears can hear. I was drawn by spirituality as included in the Orthodox Church and also about “the powers” of Speaking the Truth that my own grandfather had as a Priest in his community. And added to this, practicing different kind of sports activities was always my life.

After this book and awakening to the information I started to read more about Yoga, by that time I was still in my home country and there were no Yoga teachers around, or I did not find them at the time. When I moved abroad, I started directly to visit Yoga classes, Tai Chi and Qi Gong but there were “normal” classes for me, the connection to the energetical practice I could feel more in the Tai Chi classes that I practiced in Austria. At that time I was into my purely sportive peaks, doing triathlon and sometimes extreme hikes:-)

With me moving to Germany, the magic happened. Directly in my first week here, a dear colleague from work also from my home country who was interested in spirituality asked if I want to join her at a Buddhist meditation night. I said yes, it was my Truth. We went on a Thursday night, I can remember exactly at 19:00 in a school in Frankfurt and there was a Kadampa Buddhist monk, Ananda, already waiting in the hall. The moment I saw him, his energy, felt his kindness I knew this is it. The first meditation in a group, the theme was about our Death; oh wow the information from the book came back to me. I cried the whole meditation practice, yes when I feel high energy I cry:-)a blissful cry..I knew Buddhism is my path. I subscribed to the Kadampa school and for about 3 years I studied Buddhism each week with my next amazing Guru Sangdak and also started to teach meditation practice in the center.

After a while, my body started to say that meditation is ok, but it wanted to be included. Our bodies have consciousness too, so it awakened to show me that I should also include it in my meditations. And I found my first Yoga Teacher Training 200 in Frankfurt. And there not only that I found an immense fountain of yogic knowledge but also met many amazing teachers and students that are until now and ongoing my dear friends. After this first training I studied many distinct Yoga directions, classes, immersions, styles and this is an ongoing practice and knowledge for me. I added Ayurvedic study, the sister of Yoga that sustains the Yogic life. Afterwards, I added with the Energetical Healing, the energetical aspect of Yoga paired with enhanced intuitive practices.

Transiting from only Meditation to including the body postures, Asanas and of course Breathing and all the rest of the 8 Limbs of Yoga is actually a twisted path as in the Teachings Asana comes first and then meditation (as the body needs to be able to sit restless in meditation) was and is my own magical Heroes Journey. Everything is possible in our lifes if we choose it 🙂

Nowadays, I dedicate my life to being a Yogini (Yoga practitioner is all its aspects) , to teaching Yoga classes online and offline, to raising awareness about Yoga and its benefits for every body and everybody. I can’t imagine my life without being my Yoga practice and I am blessed to have awakened to it and made it an integral part of my daily life.

Looking forward to practicing together. With much Love and Light, Namaste


  1. Nico! Thank you for this inspirational article 🙏 What a journey 💖 There is so much I did not know about you! Looking forward for whatever is next for you to share 🫶🥰

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