Book MagNifiCo Sessions
My name is Nicoleta Bot. I strive for an holistic approach in my daily Yoga practice. For me, Yoga and its practices are a philosophy for life. It can be integrated in everyone’s lifestyle. It is my deepest wish to help you find your own way to inner balance and happiness.
My Yoga practice will guide you to not only experience good health and a strong body but also inner peace helping you to achieve your (higher) goals with clarity and serenity.
My holistic approach includes different Yoga styles: Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga for Pregnancy, Children Yoga Certification Groovy Kids, Chakra Balance, and Meditation. These practices are always closely connected to Ayurvedic principles. In order to sustain my holistic view, I have started an alternative medicine study.

The energy of a person speaks volumes
The energy of a person speaks volumes, and Nicoleta radiated purity and unstoppable positive energy, while also keeping firm balance and harmony. The teacher, before the teachings, is what emanates the essential codes the students assimilate for their development. I had an online trial consultation with Nicoleta and she was sovereign, while being gentle, stable while being lighthearted, and she already saw all the wonderful potentials that are soon flowering in my life. Thank you and best of luck with your great work 👍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Nicoleta did a series of healing sessions on me. One time when I had a sore throat and feeling un well. Another time when my grandpa died. Again when I got really ill with fever and other symptoms. And the best session when I gave birth to our son. After each session I felt so much lighter in the head, on my throat chakra or generally in the body. Nicoleta’s healing session create so much lightness in my body and space around. It feels like she is removing the fog and heaviness I feel in the body. I fell empowered afterwards and most of all, I feel like myself again each time. I am grateful I could have her support. ❤️
Subtle perceptions
I had a coaching session and I was really impressed by her subtle perceptions, kind approach and honesty. I highly recommend.
Having tried several classes , I was never satisfied. of these classes were concentrating on meditation and less on body movement without any understanding if some people are less flexible. I love your approach and explanation of the poses and I really enjoy your humour as well! Being a cerebral type of person where my brain works all the time , I was searching for a class that captures the philosophy and presence of movement that calms my mind and keeps my body healthy and strong; I have found these things with your yoga classes. Thank you dear Nicoleta for making me discover what yoga really means and what it can do to my body and mind.
Einfach toll
Wundervoll, meine erste Access Bar Stunde. Ich bin begeistert. Meine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen. Ich fühlte wie die Energien durch meinen Körper liefen. Die bildliche Darstellung von vorher/nachher hat mich umgehauen. Sie sagte mir schon vor der Messung welche Schwingungen sie fühlte und diese wurden bildlich bestätigt. Ich kann es jedem nur empfehlen. Einfach toll. Nach der Stunde ging es mir einfach besser und meine negativen Gedanken waren fort.
She is dedicated, caring, full of love and always positive

Healing at the birthing time
I had the luck and delight to be able to ask Nicoleta for her incredible gift of healing at the birthing time. I felt her loving energy and felt protected. I had a very beautiful birth at home . Of course there were many things that worked because I gave birth in 40 minutes , yet I think that a very important part of the ease I had was because of the space and healing Nicoleta provided for me. Thank you for your gift!! You are an amazing energy healer.
Yours Oana
Wonderful Journey I started on
Dear Nico,
I am very grateful that you appeared in my life. I thought about myself that I knew how we function in this world, how important physical and mental health is..but I find out that I don’t really know anything. The lessons with you made me see things much more clearly, to really know myself, to love everything around me, to love every moment I live…Thank you for the wonderful journey I started on..
Corina, Constanta
Intinde-ti aripile si fii pe frecventa iubirii

Nicoleta probably added quality years to my life
“As I’ve gotten older, wiser and had a lot more life experience one of the things I’ve learned is what an incredible value and gift it is to have a good coach in one’s life. There was a time I used to think “I’m smart and clever and can figure things out on my own”, or “I don’t have the money for a coach” and also “why do I need someone telling me what to do, what are coaches for anyway!?” Most of my adult life, I have been surrounded by coaches but I have resisted having one of my own.
However, after working with Nicoleta for over two years, I can honestly say all those beliefs have been flipped. Now I realize how amazing it is to have a coach, if for nothing else but to preserve precious energy and time, and to keep me focused on my own real life goals and heart mission in this life.
Nicoleta has been amazing in helping me stay focused and probably added quality years to my life. I highly recommend her work and coaching services. She is gentle, non-judge mental, and very clear in her intuitive coaching services! “
Thank you Nico for the inner journey of every yoga class. My body enjoys flexibility, presence, magical breathing, healing, all as a result of the knowledge, gentleness and passion with which you lead this hour!

She has incredible psychic powers that can scan and address any specific issue in the body.
For instance she lovingly helped me completely heal my left paralyzed arm and understand the subtle energetic cause of its existence.
She told me exactly where it came from and how to get back to normal with her intuition alone!
In 3 hours after talking to her my arm was back to its healthy free state.
Not to talk about the way she helped me release emotional and mental blocks through the potent bretharian healing method!! To work with Nicoleta is accepting to enter a timeless and spaceless dimension of self. Thank you my dear for all the love and presence you gave me through your beautiful gifts💖
You are an enrichment for this world. Thank you for the magic you do for this world🙏🏻
You are essential to humanity
Whenever I have a problem with my health or my daughter’s health Nicoleta is the first person I contact!!She recently healed my daughters 39.6 degree fever..I have no idea how she how what she does, what I only know is that anytime I tell her what’s going on, the issue goes away!! Also she healed my other daughters pain in her feet, my pityriasis versicolor (a skin condition) , my partially paralized arm, my hurting umbilical hernia and many other conditions like my loss of voice and colds.
I’m talking about never having that issue again! My skin condition was clearly visible and now is gone!
She not only is an incredible healer but also a tremendous psychic. she could tell me all the time what caused the problem and also what to do specific for my body to help the physical body.
If you feel anything uncomfortable in your body and want to get rid of it, she is the most adecuate person in the world to go I could ever think of.
Thank you beautiful Nicoleta for the gift you are in my life with everything you are and do. You are essential to humanity
Esti cu adevarat un mare dar in viața mea!
Draga Nico, In primul rand vreau sa iti mulțumesc ca ai acceptat sa lucrezi cu mine! Sunt cateva saptamani de cand tu lucrezi cu mine si simt deja cum foarte mult din mine s-a schimbat! Tu conduci acest proces cu atata naturalețe, pricepere si căldură incat chiar esti un exeplu pentru mine, mai ales ca si eu lucrez cu oamenii. Ma ajuti sa înțeleg, sa vad si sa schimb si asta este atat de fain! Mi se pare cu adevarat miraculos ca poti sa simti/ sa sti ce mi se intampla sau cum sunt desi suntem la atatia km distanta si trebuie sa recunosc ca atunci cand vad mesajele de la tine sunt foarte surprins si asta imi da un sentiment fain de rezonanta si empatie. Sunt foarte multe lucruri pe care as putea sa le spun…chiar mi ai schimbat energia de cand lucrezi cu mine. Sunt recunoscator pentru tot ce imi oferi si iti mulțumesc pentru asta! Ma ajuta mult ca esti si ca m-ai ajutat sa inteleg mai bine care este menirea mea, să-mi stabilesc direcții/ alegeri si mai ales sa nu renunt la ele chiar si atunci cand Ego-ul meu ma saboteaza. Esti cu adevarat un mare dar in viața mea!
Being MagNifiCo means
your path towards Wholeness and Awareness
Romanian word: wise person from ancient times, magician, priest; The embodiment of Wisdom, the depth of our Soul.
my short name. As nothing is just happening in this lifetime, I carry the name of my grandfather, who was a Priest. Hopefully the Wisdom too 😉
Romanian word meaning to BE. This is the Essence of all life: Presence, Joy and Awareness.