The story of my (new) Logo

The only constant parameter in our life is change. Everything in our life encounters this Truth.

Whereas we change and grow too, so did my webpage and my Logo grow with me. Not only that I accepted my gifts beside the Yogic teaching as awareness coach and energy healer but I remembered that these 3 gifts and Services that I offer and contribute with into the world, is Yoga in it’s deepest and most profound sense: the Union of Mind- Body- Energy. We can work on one aspect but without including the trinity, the puzzle will not be complete.

My brand new Logo encompasses these 3 aspects of my holistic work, that I offer to You too:

THE YOGI – the yoga teacher

The centrepiece of the logo is the Yogi. Like lotus flowers gentle, honouring its beauty and

being, the yogi is always connected to its heart space. This is the source of Everything –

connection to God, the universe, its own being – to everything and everyone through all

time and space.

THE CIRCLE – the coach

With no beginning and no end the circle represents completion. It is you and me in our

natural state of being : flawless and complete. It represents everything I have to offer as a

coach to bring your awareness back to your natural state.

THE MANDALA – the healer

The petals of the mandala represent the energy coming from within, from your heart space,

your complete self spreading through each petal back and forth in the universe. This is your

healing energy, the primordial light, the stillness and the unconditional love.


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